Tuesday 14 April 2009

Ayia Napa

My roommates and I have spent the past 4 days at the most beautiful beach in the world, in Ayia Napa! It is a short drive from Nicosia, probably a little under an hour, and it has such clear, blue water. It is a major tourist destination for Europeans, mostly from the UK. It is a lot different than the rest of Cyprus because British people work everywhere in Ayia Napa, so there is not the usual language barrier. We took a bus from Nicosia to Ayia Napa on Friday, and we arrived at our hotel, the Panas Tourist Villas, at around 4:30. The hotel was fantastic and it was set up so that there were about 3 different accommodations per villa, and there were a whole bunch of villas. It was a pretty big resort, with 2 restaurants and 2 pools. One was huge and had a view of the ocean. Our room was great. We had a living room, a kitchen area, and 2 bedrooms all for only about 12 Euros per night! We couldn't believe how cheap and fantastic it was! 2 of our friends that we met here in Cyprus came along with us also and got their own room. They are from Finland, and they are very nice and fun! When we first got there we walked down to the beach and we saw some of our friends who were also at the beach. Afterwards, we went to Pizza Hut all you can eat buffet and it was wonderful. Needless to say, we ate WAY too much. We were all really tired so we decided not to go out. Instead, we walked around this little carnival thing and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to go on the "Sling shot" which was the thing where 2 people sit next to each other in a round cage and you get shot through the air on bungi cords. I love rides, so I decided to do it, and we also got them to let us go for 5 Euros per person, instead of 20!!! It turned out to be petrifying, but fun at the same time so I'm glad that I did it. We spent the next day at the beach and it was lovely. Some of the Erasmus kinds came to the beach also, so we got to hang out with them for a little. We bought tickets for this event later on in the night which included dinner, food, and free admission to a club. Again, we got them to lower the price from 45 to 25 Euros! I don't know how we do it. Anyway, it turned out to be pretty fun. The club that we went to was called Castle Club and it was actually shaped like a castle and looked like one on the inside too. We spent the next day at Nissi beach again, and enjoyed its beauty. The water was a little bit cold so I didn't go in that day. I just laid in the sun and got a nice tan! Later on we went to a bar called Senior Frogs...a guess they were trying to be like the chain Senor Frogs (haha). Anyway it was a wonderful place! They played great music and I had a pina colada for only 2 Euros! We also shared what they called a "fish bowl" which was just a big mixed drink with 6 straws. We did some dancing and then we called it a night. On our last day at the beach we went to a different spot. There was a rocky area that kind of formed cliffs. You could climb down the rocks though, to go swimming, so we did that. It was a lot of work but we finally made it. There was a spot where we could jump off of the rocks in to the water. At that spot the water was deep was it was FREEEEZING but we swam anyway. There was a little cave that you could swim into a bit, which we did but it was terrifying because we didn't know what kind of creatures were present around us. After that we stopped at a place to eat for lunch and I got a ham and cheese sandwich. Later on we went for a swim in the pool which was great. Both that night and the night before we made pasta in our room to save money. After showering and everything we invited over 4 of our friends for some Sangria before going out. We went to the Frog place again to dance! Unfortunately the next morning we had to be up by 7 to catch the bus so we only got a few hours of sleep. Overall, our trip to Ayia Napa was spectacular! It is such a nice beach, it is a shame that it is so far from the U.S. Any time someone asks us where we are from and we say the U.S. they are shocked and ask why on Earth we would be in Cyprus. The only Americans that ever visit this island are part of GLS. No American Tourists! People are always happy to meet Americans though so it is actually pretty nice. We are heading to Greece, Italy, and Spain in a few days so I will have a ton to write. We will be retuarneing on Monday, April 27th so you can check back a little after that for some updates :)

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