Tuesday 28 April 2009


Our first stop on our journey was Athens, Greece. We arrived around noon at our hotel since it was only a short plane ride from Cyprus to Greece. Lauren, Dezi, and I shared a room and Kelley had a double room with another girl from our program. Our program had about 24 people I think...all girls. Our hotel was pretty nice and in a somewhat decent location. It was right around the corner from the metro which we used to get from place to place. It also provided a nice breakfast to us which was convenient so we did not have to buy food in the morning. The first thing we did was go on a guided tour through the acheological museum. It was about as interesting as it sounds, but it was short so it kept my interest, and had some intereting facts about the history of Greece in it so it was ok. The tour guide was super excited about Greek history and her enthusiasm kept the four of us interested.Afterwards, the same guide took us to the Acropolis. We walked up to the top of the hill which is in the middle of Athens, so we had a panoramic view of the entire city which is surrounded by mountains and the sea on the other side. It really was cool. We saw where the first court case was held in history. The weather was beautiful, sunny and in the 70s. When our tour was over, the guides took us to the city center where there were lots of shops and restaurants. We were shopping and Dezi was trying on dresses in one of the shops so I decided to try one on just for the fun of it and I ended up loving it so I had to buy it! :) The girls got dinner, but it didnt look to good to me so I just ate french fries! We were really tired from waking up at 5:30 a.m. so we went back to the hotel. I was hungry later so we walked down the street to grab a drink and something to eat. We found this one little shop with sandwiches, dessert, coffee, and a bar. I got a sandwich, Dezi got a smoothie and Kell got a chocolate cake and ice cream! It was all declious and of course the waiter loved our company and so gave all of our food to us for free. Wonderful! He ownded the shop so I guess he has that kind of authority. The next day we got up and took the metro to the Pireaus port, where the cruise ships and ferries are. We took a speed boat, called the flying dolphin, to Aegina. It is the closest Greek island to Athens. It was unbelievably beautiful there and we all absolutely loved it. It was hard to imagine life getting any better than life on that island. It was just the cutest place. The water was beautiful, there were litte islands off the coast, which just look like mountains sticking out of the water, and there were some shops, restarants, and it was a big enough island to have roads and cars. We hung out at the beach for a little bit, and then afterwards we rented bicycles for 5 Euros each and just rode around the island on the streets, since there wasn't very much traffic. We stopped to take pictures and we met these 3 guys that live on the island and one of them went to college at Penn. so we were talking about life in Philly. Can't imagine the shock of living there after living in Aegina. Anyway, it is a small world! We continued on and stopped at a secluded restaurant that sat down by the water. I had linguini with cheese, ham, and bacon and it was probably the best thing I have ever eaten. We did some shopping afterwards and saw the sunset, which was gorgeous. We then took then ferry back to Athens, and showered and cleaned up. We went back to meet up with the guy at the restaurant that we had met before, because he wanted to go out with us. We went to a Greek bar with him, which was interesting. They played all Greek music, and then when we got there they played some "American" music just for us! How wonderful. Again, we got all free stuff. Again, wonderful. We got a lot of attention from guys in Greece, I guess because we are foreign. Who knows. They just can't get enough of our blue eyes anywhere we go. They think they are amazing! haha. The next day we woke up early, (which was tough because we were out late the night before) and we went back to the harbor because we wanted to go to another island. Unfortunately everything was too expensive so we just took a ferry ride that drove by islands. We were supposed to get off at Poros, which was the final destination, but we just stayed on the top of the boat so that we didnt have to pay for the trip back! The boat ride was of course, fantastic and beautiful. The scenery was gorgeous and I took lots of pictures. When we got back to Athens, we got gyros for dinner which were way cheaper and better than the ones in Cyprus. Since they were so cheap I got 2, which was very difficult to eat both!! We went to bed early that night because we knew that we would need to wake up super early the next morning.

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